After years of meeting and interviewing street dancers, as well as dancing with them, OG6 Entertainment has put together the first-ever Street Dance Roots International Awards to celebrate the culture of Street Sance. The inaugural event paid tribute to OG Alpha Omega Anderson's 50 years as a professional street dancer. This year's Awards ceremony is dedicated to David Smythy, a.k.a. One Arm Bandit, who recently passed away.

This night is also a Christmas party to recognize our blessings and welcome new ones in the coming year for all street dancers.

Dream it.

Street Dance Rootis International Awards is a shared dream with dancers from all over the world to celebrate their hard work and talent.

Build it.

Our International team working with the public selected African, Asian, American, and European dancers of 6 different styles: Campbellocking a.k.a. Locking, Popping, Breaking, Waacking|Whacking|Punking, House, and Hip Hop to be the Best Street Dance Roots Dancer of (at least) the past 2 years.

Grow it.

By donating you make sure that you are a part of this long last Event created to honor all the Street Dancers.


“We have Ballet, Modern, African, and all types of styles of dance, but here we come with the Street Dancer.

This is a great celebration where we are going to have the opportunity to meet all those masters, legendary people who have been dancing for years and years...

I personally am enjoying the idea that Alpha is put together, this wonderful acknowledgment Award”

— Damita Jo Freeman

“Street Dance was not a dance created in a dance studio, it is a dance that you have to dance with Funk, Rhythm, and Soul to…”

— Alpha Omega Anderson